I am a native of Long Island, New York, who has a 50+ year love affair with capturing and creating images.
I worked as a draftsman while in college learning the importance of “attention to detail” and graduating with a degree in electronic engineering.
My professional career started as a computer animator/director. Creating motion graphics and animations for over 20 years, I began at a production facility in New York City and four years later started my own company servicing clients in both New York and Hollywood. During that time, I worked with artists, directors, and producers, creating multiple award-winning animations and motion graphics for the TV, film industry and a variety of other media outlets.
As the computer industry blossomed, I started my own software development firm and worked for 30 years as the Director of Administrative Information Systems for one of the prestigious university hospitals in Manhattan. All the while, I never lost my interest in photography and computer imagery.
My photography provides an outlet of self-expression and, with today’s technical advances in photography and computers, it offers me a way to easily share that expression.
When I take a photograph, my end goal is to develop an image that is visually satisfying. I study my photographs looking at detail and object composition within the photograph. Very often my final image is a far cry from the original photograph. The initial image capture is just a beginning, providing the components and composition to build my final image.
I am intrigued by every genre of photography and try to keep my imagery varied.
I have just begun to explore the creative uses of AI and its relation to various forms of visual imagery and photography. I have given several presentations on the topic of AI, Art and Photography.